Grafton Recruitment s.r.o.

Místo práce: Česká republika Praha 4 Hlavní město Praha Praha

Druh práce: Jiné

Před 12 dny


Are you a university student looking for a great job opportunity? Do you like communication with people and have good MS Office knowledge (especially MS Excel)? If you have advanced English and you are able to work at least 20 hours/week, we are looking for you!

We are hiring JUNIOR PROJECT COORDINATOR with English and look forward to receiving your CV.

Job description:
- Administrative support for the current ongoing projects
- Administrative support for Project Manager and Project stakeholders
- Meetings organization
- Communication with team members
- Incident management
- Weekly reporting
- Data consolidation
- Etc.

Start: Immediately

Salary: 160 - 190 CZK/hour

Long-term cooperation, possible weekly working schedule 20 - 40 hours/week.

Location: Prague 4 (right next to the Chodov metro station)


  • University student in Economics/IT ideally
    • Advanced English (daily communication with foreigners - oral, telephonic, written)
    • Good knowledge of MS Excel (advanced functions, VLOOKUP, IF, PivotTables etc.)
    • Analytical thinking
    • Accuracy, orientation to detail, ability to work responsibly with numbers
    • Willing to learn
    • Ability to communicate with high-ranking employees of the company
    • Flexibility


  • Excellent starting position for future career
    • Using English on a daily basis
    • Meal allowance
    • Participation in global projects
    • Friendly atmosphere
    • International environment


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